Strategy and innovation in ESG

The Emtel Group is committed to being a national benchmark in ESG in the transportation, logistics and fleet outsourcing sector. Check out the effective actions that are already being implemented.


_NOMEDAEMPRESA_ has a large, specialized team, permanently available, which is committed to and responsible for the cargo transported throughout the entire process. The service is tailored to the needs of each client, with agile pick-up and speedy delivery. The company offers peace of mind and security throughout the transportation process.

Get to know our pillars and priority themes


  • ISO 14001 certification;
  • Purchase of electric vehicles with on-board telemetry;
  • Decarbonization through investment in environmental restoration projects - Abundance Brasil;
  • Encouraging the generation of biodiversity;
  • Clean Energy;
  • Despoluir Program;
  • Saving paper in the operation;
  • Water treatment;
  • Purchase of electric vehicles with on-board telemetry;
  • Environmental Commission;
  • EcoAmigo Christmas 2023;
  • Tampatinhas Project 2023;
  • Sustainability Project: Sustainable Wood;
  • Cooking Oil is Not Waste Program;
  • Projects aimed at reducing the generation of plastic, such as the distribution of ecobags and ecocups to all employees;
  • Participation in the Global Compact Movement Net Zero Ambition: focus on reducing scope 1 and scope 2 CO2 emissions by up to 42%;
  • Use of solar energy.


  • Generation of jobs and income in the local community;
  • Passing on part of the profits to social projects;
  • Motivating current employees by encouraging environmental practices;
  • Solidarity Bath Project;
  • Accident prevention;
  • More Health Project;
  • Organizational Culture Project;
  • Talent Show;
  • Connected.


  • Contribution to obtaining environmental certificates, such as the B Corporation;
  • Transparency of ESG operations and annual sustainability report;
  • Participation in events;
  • Advisory Board;
  • Code of ethics;
  • Compliance channel;
  • ESG Committees;
  • ISO 45001 certification;
  • Participation in the Global Compact Movement - They Lead - Target: 50% of women in senior leadership positions by 2030;
  • Participation in the Global Compact Movement: 100% Transparency.
Eradicating poverty
Zero hunger and sustainable agriculture
Health and well-being
Quality education
Gender equality
Drinking water and sanitation
Clean and affordable energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Reducing inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Action against global climate change
Water life
Terrestrial life
Peace, justice and effective institutions
Partnerships and means of implementation



Carbon offsetting


Clean energy sources


Connecting employees with the ESG purpose

The Aurora Verde project is a successful case of greening Brazil through environmental restoration.

At the beginning of 2022, we planted 100,000 seedlings of native species to restore an environmental area in Cana Verde (MG). The process of tokenizing trees is innovative and allows more and more people to easily become environmental restorers. Each Abundance Token represents a tree and a part of a forest that is being formed, generating carbon credits and abundance for the planet. Contribute to this initiative!

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best is now!"
Paulo Cesar Miranda
CEO & Founder VerdeAzul

1 million trees

Aligned with the UN's 2030 Agenda and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), our desire and commitment is to accelerate the best Brazil has to offer: sustainability and environmental abundance.

We want to plant at least 1 million trees in Aurora Verde over the next few years, in partnership with people and companies who will help make this dream come true. On average, a tree sequesters 1 ton of C02 in its 40-year life cycle. So Abundance Tokens are issued to preserve each one and the process of decarbonizing the planet has a significant contribution to make to our forest.


Trees planted in 2022

100 thousand trees

Trees planted in 2023

100 thousand trees

Trees planted in 2024

100 thousand trees

Trees planted in 2025

100 thousand trees

Trees planted in 2026

100 thousand trees

Trees planted in 2027

100 thousand trees

Trees planted in 2028

100 thousand trees

Trees planted in 2029

100 thousand trees

Planting audit




Fernando Pereira Guimarães

Carbon audit




Thiago Magalhães Meireles

ESG performance

Matheus Haddad
+55 31 9 9878-3585
We support the main sustainability standards and guidelines for ESG reporting
We support the main sustainability standards and guidelines for ESG reporting
* This document is customizable. Abundance Brasil is only responsible for the benefits generated directly from its ESG solution (acquisition of trees from the Aurora Verde Forest). The other activities included by partners are the responsibility of each company that is part of the Syntropy Ecosystem.