Abundance Brasil exists to deliver Abundance & Purpose to the companies it works with, through ESG-Tech development.


Attune companies to the ESG movement and abundance.


Lead the ESG movement so that at least 50% of Brazilian companies have a high ESG-tech level by 2030.

Values of our Culture

Mindset of Abundance

A growth mindset, positive and abundant about life.

Strong Purpose

The search for a balanced lifestyle with purpose at its core.


Organic, human interaction centered on real connections.


An exponential, innovative and abundant mindset. Transformation through exclusive products.

Connection with the present

Focus on the present as a tool for achieving goals, expanding the business and living a positive life.

Connecting with nature

Nature is our greatest ally and needs to be well looked after.


Pedro Miranda
CEO & Founder

An entrepreneur with a passion for building solutions that have the purpose of developing society and our planet.

Marcos Loureiro
CPO & Founder

UX/UI Designer specializing in digital products and innovative solutions.

Marcelo Camargos

Engineer specialized in improving and creating products and services using advanced technologies and innovative approaches.

Mariana Rocha
Product designer

A resilient professional who is committed to building strong brands. Systemic, long-term vision and an overwhelming creative spirit in everything she does.

Matheus Haddad

Biologist and Master's student in Ecosystem Services at Tu Dresden (Germany), with a focus on Bioeconomy and Governance.

Green Aurora Forest

Be an Environmental Restorer.
Buy trees and generate abundance.

100,000 trees planted by 2022.