What is Abundance Brasil's mission?
Abundance Brasil is a company that was born with the aim of generating abundance for the planet through environmental restoration. To this end, we have created a platform dedicated to connecting environmental restorers and forest producers. Our mission is to help accelerate decarbonization and create a sustainable legacy for future generations.
What does the name "Abundance" mean?
The name reflects our belief in a world of abundance, where nature is preserved and business thrives in a more sustainable way. We want to help create a world where environmental and economic prosperity go hand in hand.
What is the Abundance Token?
The Abundance Token (ATK) is a forest quota, i.e. the fraction of an environmental restoration project that is generating carbon credits (for CO2 removal) and other socio-environmental benefits. The quotas are relative to the total number of trees planted in the forest and each ATK is equivalent to one tree.
What is the difference between ATKs, forest quotas and trees?
In essence, they are basically the same thing. The Abundance Token is the digital solution for those who want to contribute to restoring the environment without having to worry about planting trees and maintaining forests. Each token represents a tree and everyone who has forest quotas is part of our community of environmental restorers.
Each Abundance Token (ATK) is equivalent to how much carbon?
Each ATK is a share of the forest, but the tree is our main unit of measurement. The amount of carbon is a variable issue, as it depends on factors such as the species of plant, soil elements and the dynamics of its growth. According to IPCC* estimates, each tree sequesters between 150 kg and 250 kg of carbon dioxide during its lifetime.
Therefore, one ATK is equivalent to approximately 0.2 tons of CO2. At Abundance Brasil, we consider the average sequestration of the entire forest, guaranteeing a single average value for all tokens. That's why we say that you're actually buying a part of our forest and not just isolated trees!
* IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is the UN body responsible for climate change science.
Can I use the token for carbon offsetting?
The Abundance Token is linked to planted trees that are sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. Thus, investing in a forest restoration project helps offset the polluting gases that individuals and companies emit every day, generating oxygen and accelerating decarbonization.
A carbon credit is like a certificate that proves that a ton of carbon has no longer been emitted into the atmosphere. The Abundance Token will soon be able to be traded on the blockchain, generating the option to buy it for offsetting or resale.
Can I use the Abundance Token to prove my ESG investment?
Yes. The Abundance Token provides credibility and transparency about the forests that are being made possible by Abundance Brasil. By investing in a forest restoration project, you prove your initiative to reduce your environmental impact and add sustainability as a differentiator to your business.
How do I know how many trees I need to buy?
Reducing carbon emissions and offsetting at least a percentage of them is everyone's mission, especially when it comes to the health of the planet and our own well-being. Get in touch and ask us to help you calculate your carbon footprint. Our team of experts is at your disposal!
What is the difference between preservation and environmental restoration (ARRxREDD)?
These are two complementary paths when it comes to decarbonization and carbon credits.
Environmental preservation (REDD+ CO2 credits) involves protecting and maintaining natural areas in their original state, minimizing or avoiding human interference. Environmental restoration (ARR-type CO2 credits) involves the recovery of degraded areas, restoring the natural characteristics of the ecosystem.
A carbon credit is equivalent to one ton of CO2 that is no longer emitted into the atmosphere, which helps to control the effects of climate change. Abundance Brasil works by planting new trees to increase carbon sequestration and generate more oxygen for the planet.
What indicators are used to monitor tree growth?
We monitor the entire process, from planting to the full development of the forest. Monitoring is essential to provide data such as:
- tree growth;
- soil quality;
- amount of carbon sequestered;
- biodiversity of fauna and flora.
I bought the Abundance Token. Now what?
After confirming your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email and receipt. Purchasing forest quotas will give you access to the platform with all the deliverables (stamps, certificates, reports, etc.) and enable you to keep track of the forest's data.
You can check everything from the location of the forest to a diagnosis of CO2 sequestration, following its progress in the decarbonization process and taking advantage of all the features of our solution.
What is an ESG report? What is it for?
The acronym ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. An ESG report provides information on a company's practices in these areas, detailing their impacts and strategies for addressing them. As well as adding the issue of sustainability through forestry quotas, Abundance's solution covers tools and services that help companies measure, track and report their social and environmental impact, helping them to structure their ESG reports.
What is the environmental restorer label?
The seal is another communication resource to publicize your investment in environmental restoration and improve your reputation in the market. Those who are part of our community have access to a media package to spread the word on social networks or other channels, sharing that you are helping to restore nature and reducing your impact.
In addition to inserting it in a strategic place on the website, our clients have already added the seal to product labels and even as truck stickers. Take the opportunity to spread the word and add value to your brand!
What is MRV?
MRV is an acronym that stands for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification. It's a system to ensure that the environmental restoration we promise is verifiable and transparent. We use a combination of drone imagery, satellite data and terrestrial biomass to ensure a comprehensive and accurate view. Our MRV data is updated regularly, ensuring that everyone is aware of the impact of their contribution.
How do I check the forest for updates?
Our platform provides regular updates on forest growth and health. By logging into your account, you can access MRV's data, which includes satellite images and reports with environmental data. This material is produced and evaluated by third-party companies that accompany our environmental restoration project. In addition, we send periodic updates by e-mail to keep you informed of the latest news.
I'm interested in a partnership with Abundance. What should I do?
We are always open to exploring new partnerships to accelerate the decarbonization of the planet! If you are interested, please get in touch with our team via the contact form on our website or send an email to contact@abundancebrasil.com. We will get back to you shortly with information on the next steps.
What is an environmental restoration token?
It is a digital asset that promotes environmental restoration. Each token is associated with a specific asset, in the case of the Abundance Token with a planted tree, and its transaction helps finance the nature restoration project.
Is the Abundance Token already available on the blockchain?
Yes, it is already an asset available in a digital wallet and will soon have liquidity on the secondary market. In other words, they will be able to be sold and bought by interested parties, as well as serving as a currency of exchange.
Can the Abundance Token be traded as a carbon credit?
Not yet, although it represents a fraction of an environmental restoration project that is absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. So if you want to reduce your environmental impact and offset carbon emissions, this is an alternative that contributes directly to nature. As soon as the carbon credit is officialized, Abundance Brasil guarantees its ownership by contract to the owner of the Abundance Token.
Is it possible to profit from the Abundance Token?
The official launch of the asset on the blockchain will allow liquidity on the secondary market. This functionality is currently being structured and should be available in 2025. From then on, the token will be able to be traded like any other crypto-asset, making it possible for there to be a profit involved in the operation (selling at a higher value than initially paid).
Why is each Abundance Token unique?
The tokens minted are exactly equivalent to the number of trees in our forests. There are no Abundance Tokens without trees planted, so we guarantee the integrity of the tokens, that they are not sold in duplicate, and that all members of our community are effectively helping to restore the environment.
How do I get my Abundance Tokens?
Our environmental restoration tokens are available for purchase directly through our website, with payment via pix, boleto or credit card. Each tree purchased represents the acquisition of corresponding tokens. Once you've completed this step, you'll have access to all the information on our platform, and you'll be able to follow information and news about the forests.