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Environment and Sustainability

How to be sustainable? Learn about the types of sustainability

We already know that talking about sustainability is easier than putting it into practice, right? However, seeking information is the first step to understanding the paths of sustainable development and starting to adopt changes. 

Did you know that there are different types of sustainability? Each one can be applied to different areas and contexts. Read on to find out more!

What is sustainability?

The term comes from sustentare, a Latin word meaning to sustain, support, conserve, care for.

Sustainability seeks to ensure a balance between environmental preservation, economic viability and social justice. These are its three fundamental aspects: 

  • social: everything that involves people, such as education, health, entertainment, etc;
  • environmental: everything related to the environment;
  • economic: everything related to the means of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

Sustainable practices have to do with meeting present needs without compromising the future. In other words, the search for a better balance between economic growth and social well-being.

It's common for people to relate this idea only to the preservation of nature, since we know that natural resources are used by man without much awareness and are at risk, which has an impact on life on planet Earth. However, sustainability can be much broader than we imagine.

What types of sustainability?

It's time to discover the particularities of the main spheres of this concept.

Environmental sustainability 

Environmental sustainability refers to the preservation and conservation of natural resources such as water, air, soil, flora and fauna. The idea is to use these resources more consciously and responsibly, avoiding depletion and degradation of the environment.

Economic sustainability 

Economic sustainability aims to guarantee the financial viability of economic activities without compromising people's quality of life and the preservation of the environment. It's about seeking an economic model that is fair, inclusive and generates wealth in a sustainable way.

Social sustainability

Social sustainability is concerned with inclusion and social equity. It seeks to ensure that all people have access to the resources they need to live with dignity, such as education, health, housing, security, among others. It is a concept that is closely linked to social justice and human rights.

Cultural sustainability 

The cultural sphere refers to the preservation and enhancement of a people's traditions, customs and cultural identities. Its purpose is to guarantee cultural diversity and the plurality of ways of living and expressing oneself, avoiding cultural homogenization and the loss of cultural heritage.

Corporate sustainability 

Corporate sustainability is the application of sustainable principles to companies' activities and processes. It involves seeking to maximize financial results in a more balanced way, respecting the environment, valuing people and contributing to the social and economic development of the community.

It is important to note that these types of sustainability are not independent of each other, but are often interlinked. For example, economic sustainability is only possible in the long term if it is linked to environmental and social sustainability. Similarly, cultural sustainability can contribute to social inclusion and the economic development of a region. The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) were defined by the UN taking into account the balance of all these dimensions, and are part of the major goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Therefore, being sustainable means adopting practices that involve all types of sustainability. Not sure how to do your part? Here are some examples of how to include this concept in your daily life:

  • save water and energy;
  • eliminate waste;
  • reduce the use of plastic;
  • investing in renewable energy;
  • separating waste and promoting waste recycling;
  • use public transport;
  • offsetting carbon emissions by planting trees.

The solution offered by Abundance Brasil takes into account the importance of the three pillars of sustainability (social, environmental and economic), allowing people and companies to become restorers of the environment in a practical, safe and innovative way.

Do you want to know exactly how this happens and be part of our community? Check out the details on our website or contact us with your questions. Let's create an increasingly sustainable world together!

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